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Click below to gather information on Japan whale watching tours and Japan whale watching adventures. If you would like to add a link about whale watching in Japan to the list below, please send an e-mail to



Japan Whale Watching
Mr. Ishii
Ogasawara Whale Watching



Link to whale watching information for other U.S. and international locations


**NOTE: As you consider international travel, especially travel to Japan, travel to Norway, or travel to Iceland, please note that all of these countries strongly support the brutal and inhumane practice of whale hunting. Please take the time to educate yourself on this subject by clicking here to review information from the International Fund For Animal Welfare (OceanSpot has no affiliation with IFAW but supports its tireless efforts to improve the environment and living conditions for animals and marine life around the world). 

In addition to Japan, Norway, and Iceland, click here to view a list of other countries who voted in favor of whale killing at the 2006 meeting of the International Whaling Commission (you may be surprised by a few of them). As you make your international travel decisions and determine where to spend your hard-earned tourist money, please take a moment to consider whether you feel it is better to stop traveling to these countries until they stop killing whales or whether you think traveling to these countries to view whales helps demonstrate to their governments that sustainable businesses can be developed by watching whales instead of killing them. It's a tough choice. 

To take action to help stop the cruel and unnecessary practice of whale hunting, click here and here. Please take a moment to sign petitions and to speak out to your local government representatives and to the representatives of the countries who endorse whale killing. (Again, OceanSpot has no affiliation with IFAW but supports its efforts to improve the environment for whales around the world). 

On a related note... to learn more and to learn how you help take action against the cruel practice of killing baby harp seals that is strongly supported by the Canadian government, click here. 

Remember...every voice counts!  


Did you know? 
"Japan is killing protected whales in a marine mammal sanctuary, selling illegal whale meat and buying pro-whaling votes in an international decision-making body. More than 25,000 whales have been hunted and killed since the ban on whaling was imposed. Even more shocking, this unsanctioned killing is happening in the protected waters of Antarctica’s Southern Ocean Marine Sanctuary, defying international law." Source: International Fund For Animal Welfare (IFAW). Learn more here  


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